2 new divers are joining the dive community thanks to our X-mas Special!

The last Monday and Tuesday we were hosting our X-mas Special Open Water Course for our two guests Harriet and Tenay. They both succeed in the course and are now ready to explore the underwater world.
2 Day Course with online theory
Harriet and Tenay are both from Perth and they wanted to discover scuba diving. With their tight schedule, they needed to find time for squizzing their Open Water Ticket. Thanks to our NASE online course, they were able to prepare and finish their theory by themselves during their free time. It saves her hours in a classroom. We started the course on Monday, finalising the paperwork, checking the point they miss during the online theory and talking about the 6 rules of scuba diving. After trying some dive gears, we started learning how to set the dive gears and soon enough we jumped in the water to conduct the NASE Open Water skill. It turns out quite well as both of them worked on their control of breathing before the course, as I suggested.
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The same day we went for a first 20 minutes dive to put everything in practice.
A very warm second day
The next day we were heading for our 3 shore dives. We started at Point Peron, where our Pilot Harriet enjoyed the discovery of the two plane shipwrecks. After a small break, we moved to the Grain Terminal, where the condition and visibility were optimal. It was a great day for that dive and Tenay spotted a ray passing by. Finally, we moved to Ammo Jetty and throw a BBQ. Warming up and talking about diving offer a pleasant surface interval in the beautiful Woodman Point Park. Once again we went for a dive in good condition. We spotted a couple of scorpionfish, a moray eel, a seahorse and plenty of life.
We are now hoping to see this two for our next Sunday dive! If you too want to join us for our Open Water ticket in Perth just get in touch!