Monthly Women Dive Morning

Join Kate and fellow female divers on our monthly Women’s Dive Morning.
One morning a month Kate holds a morning diving for women who dive in Perth. It’s a morning for women to get together, meet new divers, gain confidence in diving and share one great passion…diving (and food).
While Antoni is left alone at home in the kitchen to slave away cooking for hungry divers, we meet at a designated dive spot. After endless chatting its time to get geared up and a briefing and time to explore. The womens dive morning was an idea to get women back into diving after being out of the sport for a while. For some of the women they have had a family, bad experiences in the past or some extra training and just need a bit of gentle ease back in the water and be given tips and advice on how to become a better, safer diver and have fun!
The dive is always lots of fun and we play some underwater games and have competitions. It’s normally on a Sunday morning so we try not to be too serious.
Once back on land we are greeted by a wonderful breakfast Antoni has prepared. French crepes, fruit, chocolate, coffee, tea and juice is on the menu and we are happy to eat and enjoy our new friends and laughs and hugs are always shared.
If diving is your passion and meeting new friends and having a great dive with a delicious home cooked breakfast sounds like what you need every month then join us for the next Women’s Dive Morning.
*To celebrate Christmas we will be feeling the Christmas spirit for our next women’s dive morning. Wear a Christmas hat, a white beard or something in the spirit and the best dressed will win